Wednesday, May 14, 2014


 Hello All. I have ripped a 1974 gem from my vinyl collection today. 20 Original Hits, 20 Original Artist. Don Kirshner Presents: ROCK POWER......This is a favorite best of rip from my collection. ENJOY.....

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ed,

    Like you, I'm a vinyl fanatic, but I don't have a COOL blog like this one to demonstrate it!:))
    Gosh, I'm always looking to find Ronco and K-Tel albums that some kind soul may be sharing (ripping) on the 'net.
    Now I find you, and THIS -- no wonder it's a fave rip of yours, Ed!
    Is there any chance you could re-up this fantastic and meaningful share please?

    SUPER blog you have here -- thank you very much:)
