Monday, September 15, 2014

THE BEGUILED (Clint Eastwood)

Hello All, I had my mom over this past weekend and we started talking about Clint Eastwood movies and she was asking me what was the name of the Eastwood movie that Clint's character (John McBurney) gets taken in by a group of girls & women. She kept referring to the ending (which I Won't Reveal) and had me scratching my head because I know most of his film's. Well long story short (Too Late Ed) it turns out to be this controversial film (Because of the age of some of the girls related to the content in the script) The Beguiled released in 1971. I could not find this in any free format, but if you get a chance to watch it you should do so. Here is a little more information: (Okay, a lot more)  SIDE NOTE: Actress Melody Thomas Scott whom appears in this film has acted in 1,890 episodes of The Young And The Restless. That's 33 years on the same show folks......

The Beguiled (1971)

The Beguiled
The Beguiled (1971)

The Beguiled



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