Sunday, February 26, 2017


Well tonight's the night of stars. Hollywood stars that is. Being in the bizz I get to view the movies for the year up for nominations. All I can say is I feel the clear cut winner for Best Picture should be  "HIDDEN FIGURES". But its anyone's guess and politics are involved as always. I will just take a shot in the dark for Best Actor in a leading role. I liked Viggo Mortonsen in Captain Fantastic but believe it will go to Denzel Washington in Fences. Best Actress in a leading role is a toss up. However I feel that will go to Emma Stone. We shall see. Just for giggles (because I am not going to predict for all categories), I believe Viola Davis is a sure winner for Supporting Actress in Fences. But what do I know. So to those of you that will watch, ENJOY.... (the sexy actresses in the hot gowns that is.)

BEST PICTURE? We Shall See...

And RIP Bill Paxton.. Gone far to young!

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